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While the tourism sector shifts towards digital transformation, Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) often struggle to adapt to their changing technological environment. This study explores the antecedents of digital collaboration and develops a framework for micro-DMOs to enhance effective destination management through digital technologies. An integrated sequential qualitative approach was adopted by conducting multi-phase interviews, in addition to designing and trialling a real-world trial digital platform. The research provides empirical evidence that digital collaboration is essential for micro-DMOs, necessitating them to transform their current “websites” into digital platforms which act as a hub for business stakeholders to actively be involved in. Antecedents of successful digital collaboration include mutuality, trust, control, and leadership which may be manifested differently from non-digital collaboration. Additionally, the study identifies three aspects for digital collaboration; marketing, networking and knowledge sharing that demands specific attention. Our results have theoretical, methodological, and practical implications for academia, industry and policymakers.  相似文献   
在全面实施创新驱动发展战略的时代背景下,揭示中国高端装备制造业自主技术创新效率稳定性,测度相关因素的影响强度与方向,对揭示中国高端装备制造业自主技术创新规律,制定其发展策略具有重要指导意义。聚焦中国高端装备制造业自主技术创新效率稳定性及影响因素,采用DEA-Malmquist指数方法和Tobit回归模型进行实证研究,结果表明,中国高端装备制造业自主技术创新效率存在一定波动性,且各细分行业技术创新效率内部稳定性较差,产业自主技术创新效率整体稳定性不高;自主技术创新投入因素和环境影响因素对产业自主技术创新效率的影响具有较高的异质性,其中创新资金投入和人力资源投入对自主技术创新综合效率、纯技术效率及规模效率具有正向影响,而新产品开发投入和企业规模对自主技术创新综合效率、纯技术效率和规模效率的影响具有异质性,政策因素与市场因素分别具有显著和非显著负向影响,外源性创新因素具有显著正向影响,且影响强度较大。在此基础上,提出调整政府对高端装备制造业创新支持模式、加强外源性创新与智力引进等策略建议。  相似文献   
创新要素配置在投入产出两个环节中生成大量不完全技术信息,投入产出效率随机变动更加明显。从投入产出数据集合中提炼共同因子,与不可观测变量构成预测器,建立因子增广向量自回归模型(FAVAR),分析随机变动方差构成,测度投入产出效率随机变动程度。随机变动效应包括水平效应、稳定性效应和规模效应。投入产出效率自回归扰动项表示随机变动程度,将其细分为共同因子,计算预测器方差及其与投入产出效率的协方差。基于669家上市公司月度、季度、半年度和年度技术研发数据,比较分析投入产出效率随机变动程度及形成原因,引入脉冲响应法分析变量方差构成与变动特征,提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   
技术转移是将社会科技资源转化为实体经济效益的重要途径。当前,我国研究型大学技术转移渠道不畅、技术转移绩效不高、大学科技成果成功产业化“最后一公里”问题凸显。基于现实需求和研究缺口,构建组织模块化对研究型大学技术转移绩效影响的理论模型。在此基础上,收集我国38所研究型大学样本数据,采用SPSS24.0和AMOS软件进行结构方程路径分析,论证和检验组织模块化对于研究型大学技术转移绩效的影响机制。结果表明:组织模块化对研究型大学技术转移绩效具有显著正向影响;技术创新能力在组织模块化与技术转移绩效之间起显著中介作用;知识共享的调节作用主要体现在组织模块化独立性、响应性与技术创新能力之间的关系上,其对组织模块分工性与技术创新能力关系的影响作用不显著。  相似文献   
待孵化的技术创业型企业同时具有概念性技术向差异化产品转化的高风险与产品异质性被认同后溢价评估的高收益特点,导致其投资者多处于隔岸观火却欲罢不能的的孵化投资矛盾中。对孵化资本实施有效的风险管控,成为吸引外部资本投入的关键。基于此,选择在可创概念选育与技术创业孵化领域探索出高成功率路径的概念证明中心、YCombinator和创新工场为研究案例,分析其在创业项目筛选、孵化资金运营等关键环节的风险管控方式,以期完善我国孵化资本管控理论、助力我国商业孵化器提高资金风险管控能力、促进外部资本投入。  相似文献   
Exploiting a unique conditional disclosure mandate on management earnings forecasts (MEFs) in China, we examine the differential effects of voluntary and mandatory MEFs on the cost of debt. We find that firms providing voluntary MEFs have lower cost of debt than do mandatory forecasters and nonforecasters. The results of the channel analyses reveal that voluntary forecasters have greater commitment to voluntary MEFs in future periods than do mandatory forecasters and nonforecasters, and the precision, accuracy, and timeliness of MEFs are higher for voluntary forecasters than for mandatory forecasters. Additional analyses show that the differential effects of voluntary and mandatory MEFs on cost of debt are stronger for voluntary forecasters operating in opaque information environments, issuing high-quality and confirming forecasts, controlled by private shareholders, and operating in highly competitive product markets. Overall, our results indicate that, compared with mandatory MEFs, voluntary MEFs are more informative for credit investors, particularly for firms facing greater information risk and operating uncertainty.  相似文献   
计划经济体制导致资源使用效率低下,社会中存在大量非均衡市场和领域,这为中国企业实施均衡式创新创造了条件。随着均衡式创新的帕累托改进空间逐渐缩小,利用非均衡式创新提升资源使用效率已刻不容缓。在非均衡式创新过程中,政府极易侵入社会主体创新边界,导致创新租值降低或耗散。政府对创新主体的财政资金扶持容易对创新预算形成软约束,导致创新目标替代,强化创新主体的风险偏好,放大创新系统风险,诱发俘获政府行为,最终导致创新企业逆向淘汰。因此,明确政府在创新活动中的边界与风险,对我国实施创新驱动发展战略至关重要。  相似文献   
在三螺旋理论框架下,搭建政府、产业、大学、研究机构和资本部门四螺旋模型,运用文献归纳法选取多元主体协同创新6类影响因素,以主体间协同程度测度结果为因变量基础,利用状态空间模型动态分析这些因素影响方向、大小和趋势。实证结果表明,中国经济因素表现为促进作用持续提升;中国技术市场规模和创新产业规模表现为先抑制后促进,且促进作用不断提升;中国产品市场需求和创新投入表现为抑制作用持续提升;中国创新产出在时间上表现为促进作用先提升后下降并最终稳定的状态。最后,提出不同政策建议,以促进中国政产学研资协同创新体系后续发展。  相似文献   
This research looks into the innovative activities of subunits of large non-U.S firms in the U.S from 1969 to 1995, suggesting that the innovations in the subunits of multinational corporations are closely linked to their specializations in General Purpose Technologies (GPTs). GPTs enable recombining knowledge from different domains on an international scale, and that the specialization of innovations in GPT fields within a subunit is positively associated with the innovative capacity at large, along with the degree of technological diversification of that specific subunit. As firms expand geographically to tap into local innovation centers to develop new growth alternatives, specialization of GPTs in these firms actually facilitates further geographical dispersion of innovative activities across locations. Lastly, additional specializations of innovations in GPT fields within the host innovation centers does help in attracting innovation activities of firms from a wider range of industries.  相似文献   
苗文龙  钟世和  周潮 《金融研究》2018,453(3):36-52
本文首先采用马尔科夫区制转移模型测算金融周期和12类行业的技术投入周期,进而采用交叉谱分析法和OLS法分析金融周期对行业技术周期的影响,结果发现:不同金融变量的周期具有异步性,各行业的技术投入周期具有明显差别;不同金融变量周期与行业技术投入周期之间存在不同的数量关联性,对不同的行业技术投入具有不同的影响作用;在繁荣阶段,金融市场和银行对各行业的技术投入都具有正向推动作用,但金融市场对高密度创新行业技术投入的推动作用更为显著,银行对低密度稳定行业技术投入的推动作用更为显著;在紧缩阶段,金融市场对高密度创新行业技术投入的紧缩效应更为剧烈,银行却对低密度稳定行业的技术投资下行起到缓解作用。根据这些事实和规律,可以引导利用各金融变量对具有发展前景的行业强化技术投资助推作用,提升经济结构优化效率。  相似文献   
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